The Practice Cake: Thomas the Tank Engine

All I can say is that I feel inspired. I managed to pull it off, albeit to my surprise, a purple Thomas the tank engine cake topper. Even though it could be described as a monstrosity, my soon to be three-year old didn’t think so. In fact, he thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. Although my three-year old gave me some huge props, I knew I couldn’t present that cake topper on his birthday cake.  So on a fine Saturday morning, I bundled my kids and my mom into the car and dropped them off at my sister place. I lingered at my sister place for an hour or so, waiting for the right time to escape, leave. I casually uttered the phrase: I will be right back and I was off.  
Thomas the train cake

Finally, I had my home to myself and began to work on my Thomas the Engine theme cake. To make things even harder for myself, I decided to make my own marshmallow fondant. Never mind that I had never applied fondant, frosted or even stacked a cake. I could conquer the world one piping bag at a time.

thomas cake
Soon I was torting, frosting and stacking the cake. Now came the hard part: applying the fondant to the cake. Surprisingly, it was actually easy. The hardest part of making the cake was all the little details: the little mountains, the clouds, the pebbles, etc. I must say i underestimated how long it takes to add details to a cake. One thing that definitely saved a lot of time was having the wilton molds. I think it would have taken me even longer. In any case, next time I will make everything I need two days before I need to apply it to the cake.

 All in all, I think I made a good first attempt for my first fondant-covered, stacked cake.


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