It's all about Mickey Mouse Roadster

From Zootopia to Mickey Mouse, the evolution of an idea.

My dear son was turning one in September and I really wanted to make an extra special birthday cake. So in my usual fashion, I walked around for a few days making a mental list of birthday themes in my head and I final settled on Zootopia. I dreamed of a cake that would rival any cake I had ever made:  a birthday cake with a big doughnut coupled with sergeant Judy Hopps and Nicke Wilde as cake toppers. Nothing could top that.

So I ran to the store and bought Judy and Nicke Wilde toys to use as my inspiration for the cake toppers. When I got home, I gave my son the stuffed animals to play with, and to my utter surprise, he couldn't stand them. He cried and he threw them on the floor and that is exactly where my idea ended up. 

In any case, I had to rethink my entire theme and settled on a Mickey Mouse Roadster cake. I must say that this cake was fun to make because of the little elements. I also threw in an additional cake just for fun.


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